Setup Teams Robot Dashboard

Once installed and configured, you will need to define participants and teams (groups of participants).

If you go to the Robots tab, you will see the ability to select a Group and a Challenge Name. By default (using the default settings.yml file), you will be starting with the Group testgroup and the challenge testchallenge. You can start with these for now. See settings.yml for how to define new groups. You may want to create a different group for each class or club that you may be running using Robot Coders.

If you go the Teams tab, you will see the ability to create new Teams (type into the 'New Team Name' and click +) and add participants (type into 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'Username', 'Usercode' and click +).

By default, the settings.yml file is setup with a very permissive mode whereby ANYONE can be added to the group simply by registering for a challenge. This makes it EASY to get started with a group, but is also dangerous as once students figure out how everything works they can (and will) start trying to drive robots when it is other's turns to drive! See the property testmode in settings.yml for more information.

To get started, create at least one team for each robot you will be running in your challenges. Once you have created a team, you need to associate a robot with that team. To do so, you can hover over each of the small colored dots which will indicate which dot corresponds to which robot. Click the dot for the robot you want associated with this team. You should then see a large dot show up corresponding to that robot.

At this point, you could add members, and then assign members to each team. However, if you are in teammode, there is a faster way to get members added. See Running in Teammode.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Wed, Feb 16, 2022