Motor Controllers Robots

Note that almost ANY motor controller can be used. The Robot Dashboard uses the open-source library Johnny-Five Robotics Platform and any boards compatible with it can be used with Robot Coders. However, only 2 easily obtained motor controllers are discussed here.

Two Motor Controllers described here are:

L298N and the TB612FNG.

L298N Motor Controller

  • Wiring setup of Arduino Uno and L298N and motors.

    NOTE that the jumpers on the L298N (all 3) are installed (they come this way by default).

  • Arduino Ide basic TEST code (C).

    Test Code

  • Steps for getting working from Robot Dashboard Install the firmware on the Arduino (Note - this can be done on any computer). Using Arduino IDE:


    The StandardFirmataPlus firmware is the one that is used for Johnny-Five to communicate with the board. That means you have to install it first, then you can execute the nodejs programs. Arduino IDE

    • Open Arduino IDE
    • Verify correct port and board
    • Navigate to File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmataPlus
    • Load sketch onto board.

TB612FNG Motor Controller

In Arduino IDE, you an go Sketch → Include Library → add .ZIP Library

ZIP Library

Sample Code

Sample Code

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