Introduction Robot Dashboard

The Robot Dashboard is an application running on a computer that is in communication with the robots.

Features of the Robot Dashboard include:

  • Configure multiple robots (can control several robots at one time).
  • Ability to Test Drive locally any connected robot.
  • Ability to create and manage groups of people who can then be put into teams.
  • Control which teams will drive which robots (multiple people can drive a single robot at one time).
  • Choose amongst several Challenge Modes and start, run, and stop Robot Challenges.

Requirements of the Robot Dashboard computer include:

  • Laptop or Desktop running Mac, Windows, or Linux (Cross-Platform).
  • Needs to be setup with communication with the robots to be controlled. This is typically bluetooth, although could be directly wired as well (USB Cable).
  • Internet access to get the commands being sent to the robots from participants (not required if test driving locally through the Dashboard).
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