Welcome to Robot Coders
Robot Coders is an easy way to allow many people to drive a robot (or multiple robots) at the same time regardless of location.
Developed during the pandemic to facilitate learning of coding and robotics with students at home, Robot Coders works great regardless if participants are in the same room as the teacher and the robots being driven, or if participants are working from home.
The platform is excellent as a basis for teaching: Coding, Robotics, Hardware, Electronics, and more.
All software used is Open source and freely available.
All software is cross-platform.
All hardware used is open source and inexpensive.
Example robots built using Arduino Uno (but not limited to).
Teach coding concepts by getting students to build robot controllers.
Uses Code.org, free coding education platform, to teach coding and allow students to build robot controllers.
System not limited to using Code.org. Virtually any programming language and development environment can be used.
Extremely flexible so teams of students can compete against each other at the same time, regardless of location.
Flexible challenge modes that encourages creative programming solutions and collaboration with team members.